We are looking for time-stressed executive women to participate in an innovative time study.
Ideally, participants would be in senior executive roles, working for large companies, earn over $150,000, and have children living at home.
This innovative work-life balance time study of executive woman aims to understand how the portability of work affects balance. If work is expected to be done at any hour of the day, what kinds of activities require urgent attention? What creates stress after hours? Requests from bosses, urgent issues, or just a glut of unnecessary emails? How do successful women create greater control to minimize the portability of work.
To find out, executive women managing employees in large corporations will track their time on 21 activities for two weeks using the easy-to-use TimeCorder device. They’ll gather time-use data whenever work happens – at work in the office, and at home and on weekends. They’ll track a series of activities within their control and those that they have to react to. Later on, they’ll be able to see how their results compare to others who face the challenges. Mark Ellwood will present the results at an upcoming conference of the International Association of Time Use Research.
Check out the innovative TimeCorder device under the “TimeCorder” tab. (it’s better than an app!)
There are a number of benefits to women who participate in the Executive Women’s Time Study project. After tracking their time for two weeks using our innovative, easy-to-use TimeCorder devices, they will:
- Receive a personal report showing how they spend their time
- See how proactive versus reactive time use affects their results.
- Discover what types of work activities leak over into personal time, at home and on the weekends
- See where the gaps are between where they are and where they want to be
- Compare their results with others – the sisterhood of executives who strive to do better.
- Receive some tips on effective productivity techniques
- Be part of a research project that will be presented at an international conference and across the news media
If you are a coach working with executive women, presenting this idea to your clients will give you more data in your work with them. If you are an executive, we’d love for you to participate. And if you know someone who fits the bill, she’ll appreciate your referral. There is no charge to participate in this study.
To get started, your name, address, title, and best phone number to Mark Ellwood at [email protected] . We’ll confirm your interest and ship you a TimeCorder device. Then with a quick telephone orientation you’re all set to go. Your time is worth it!